Thank You

about-vorkayWe are just a couple of hours before we bid farewell to 2013 and welcome in 2014….I have been thinking about the events that took place in my life this year and in the lives of people around me – my family, friends and loved ones and life in general.

It’s been an exciting year, not that it didn’t have challenges and things that made me cry sometimes, but it’s been amazing to see God’s hands at work through the tough times and the good times too.

My mentor – Rev. Sam Adeyemi- always asks the entire church at Daystar, Nigeria, to get their goals written down and brought to the church service on the 31st of December watch night service so we can all pray and handover our goals to God before the year starts. Even though I’ve been  living in London nearly 6 years now (I still join in online, wink!) , I do follow his principles and get my goals ready for the service- at least I try to! I might scribble them while the service is going on, I need to do better actually.

You know how it feels when you set out goals and sometimes don’t even have a clue as to how you will begin to achieve them but you know you really need to make certain changes and see certain things happen in your life…. This was one of such years and to see God actually taking those goals from me and catapulting me into results is beyond what I can express. All I want to say is thank You Lord for helping me.

I want to encourage you today that even if you did set out your goals and some of them did not materialize, it’s a new day to raise your hopes up again and dream all over. It may be that we need to change our way of thinking, our habits, our philosophies, our relationships, our beliefs, in order to see the needed change and dream come true in our lives. It may even be that it’s going to be really big and so it’s just taking longer to cook properly!!!

Ezekiel 47:3-5 talks of when the angel of God measured out 1000 cubits of distance from  the river that flowed from the temple and led Ezekiel through different water levels – ankle, knee, waist deep and then eventually water that he could not cross over but swim in. God will be measuring out opportunities for you to come closer to Him and opportunities for you to prosper and achieve your life’s goals. He will also be leading you through the opportunities that He has made available for you. I urge you dear friend, walk with Him, don’t fear, as long as He’s the one who made the way, then rest assured that He’s got your back!  Allow Him to lead you and guide you into your victory, your promised land. You will succeed!!!!

So I dedicate the rest of this piece to saying thank you to Jesus for His awesomeness, to my husband – Shina for his love and support, our children for being wonderful angels, my family for constantly praying for me, my band members – Lifestream –  for starting out with me on this amazing journey and helping me live my dreams and you my dearest friends and fans for your love and support and prayers.

I pray 2014 brings you and yours closer to knowing and experiencing the love of God through Jesus Christ our Lord for without Him, life could not be worth living.

I love you all dearly, see you in 2014!!!!!

Your friend,




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